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HOME > Guitar finish natural binding

Natural binding on an electric guitar is the effect of NOT colouring a small portion of the front and side edges of an instrument's maple top.
This solution creates a subtle contrast effect with the rest of the instrument that is coloured as normal, while the parts corresponding to the thickness of the top and a small upper portion of it maintain the original cream colouring typical of maple.
Over the years, I have come up with an exclusive method that allows you to create a perfectly sharp natural binding without colour smudges, which I pass on to my students during my painting classes. You can see its aesthetic result in the picture on the left.

natural binding.
It is possible to find out if the instrument has a real solid flamed maple drop top, rather than a maple top that is not figured or veneered, by checking the alternation of light and dark flames on the edge of the natural binding. Only if these veins show up can we be sure that it is a solid maple top.