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HOME > Guitar neck through construction tips
In guitar neck through construction, the neck of the instrument is made up of a sandwich of wood that extends beyond the fretboard to form the central part of the body.

two body "wings" are made of maple and tuya root.
In the neck through neck, the vibration of the string reaches the bridge without interruption, spreading along the wood sandwich that makes up the neck, starting from the nut to the bridge and to the end of the body.
This sandwich is made of various very rigid woods glued longitudinally to each other and is often also reinforced by carbon fibre bars because, not being replaceable in case of breakage, the neck must be as strong and reliable as possible.
All this, including the fact that the vibration of the string travels UNINTERRUPTED from the nut to the bridge, increases the stiffness of the neck by smoothing the note and increasing the sustain.
In this type of bass, the body is made up of two "wings", in turn composed of one or more woods of different thicknesses, which are glued to the side of the neck.

For more information on the constructions and woods selection on NT basses please read here.