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HOME > Guitar woods cocobolo

Cocobolo (Dalbergia Retusa), also known as Granadillo, grows in the center of America from Mexico to Panama.
The tree grows to an height of 20/30 meters with a one meter diameter. Weight may range from 990 to even 1200kg/mt3.
When cut, cocobolo shows a wide variety of colours from orange to a very bright red and lot's of lemon yellow to dark red stripes. After a few hours, due to oxidation, the wood starts to show a dark orange shade with larger and narrower dark brown stripes
Due to its high oil content, Cocobolo is a pretty hard wood to work with and to glue and its powders may cause breathing problems.
Cocobolo features almost the same stiffness and hardness of ebony but delivers a darker tone due to the higher oil content.
Used as a top plate on neck through
body basses Cocobolo slightly softens the high end and increases the fundamental clearness and sustain.